Saturn in Libra - Ingress Chart(s) (Scroll down to see actual charts)
Looking directly at the ingress Chart of Saturn in Libra we see the Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio. Regardless of the chart focus, as with planet ingress like Saturn in Libra, the position of the Sun is always important.... (Read more on main article from Newsletter or in the Library in Articles on my site)
Below, I have provided a series of chart formats for the same event - Saturn entering Libra, and have offered the title and a brief explanation of each perspective. I have done this to offer you, the reader, an experiential opportunity to look at the same planetary alignment from a variety of perspectives that Astrology offers. There are many House Systems and versions of the Zodiac available. The point is that there are many perspectives from which to study the same moment in time. Like the many facets of a diamond or sacred geometrical shape. This can prove to be a useful exercise fro both beginners and advanced students of Astrology as well.
Some background in Astrology is probably required to appreciate what I am showing you. However, even if you do not have any prior knowledge, you can perhaps take notice that in each case below, save for the last chart which is Helio Centric while all the others are Geo Centric, all the planets are in the same relationship to one another. Where they are placed is different in each case but their actual relationships to one another are fixed. Each chart offer another angle and this helps to illustrate the levels of interpretation available which can prove very insightful and useful. Like everyday tools, a variety of each are usually preferred when it comes to tackling specific task, This metaphor is a parallel.
This first chart is the most common view where the Rising Sign is actual to the day, time and place. This chart remains important and is based on Universal time with Greenwich UK as the location. The reason this chart is limiting to the perspective of event charts such as this one,is because Taurus would not be the Rising Sign for all the other locations at different Longitudes around the planet (it would be the same for same latitudes.) Because Universal Time is just that this rising Sign of 22 Taurus along with the rest of the House Cusp divisions are valid for us all in a general way. Here the Zodiac is Tropical, the House System of Placidus and it is Geo centric, as is true for all the following charts except the last one which is Helio Centric. So, the Taurus Rising Sign and the fact that the Stellium of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius high in the chart in the 1ith House and Pluto equidistant from the Zenith (arrow pointing upward) is significant for us all. The promise of this chart is one of spiritual healing on a mass global level. Let us hope the operation is successful and not too painful... (scroll down for more...)
This next chart below is now based on Sun on the 1st House Cusp, the exact degree of the Sun, and where all the House Cusps also share that same degree in their respective signs. As mentioned, the importance of the Sun cannot be underestimated. the Sun has pretty much the final authority, though there are many ways of looking at any chart, as I am illustrating. The exact degree of the Sun and the respective planetary positions in relation to the degree are brought to the fore here. Also, few beginners to Astrology realize that each sign contains all the signs within it. Yes, the holistic nature of Astrology offers this fractal perspective. 30 degrees of a whole sign divided by 12 = 2.5 degrees and each 2.5 degree segment is called a Duad. The first duad of any sign is related back to the Sign in question. So for the Sun in Scorpio at 6 degrees 25, the duad is the second sign away from Scorpio which is Capricorn so this brings a hidden yet potent connection to Capricorn. This is just one example for gaining perspective for the 0 Aries chart.
This next chart is based on the actual planet in focus itself placed on the Rising Sign. Since it is Saturn entering Libra, Libra is the rising sign and each subsequent House is also at 0 degrees. The value of this perspective is that we gain another relational perspective, this time from the main focus planet, which is Saturn. Understanding any sign well and the respective chart dynamics based on the planetary positions for any given chart, is greatly enhanced by placing that sign on the Ascendant or Rising Sign position. Of particular note in this case is that all the planets save for Mars are below the horizon. Mars in Leo in the 11th serves as the handle of this bucket chart giving it additional weight beyond the fact that is is the planet of highest elevation. The handle could have been elsewhere. Mars in this position is like a movie star whose role is to be the rebellious hero. That it is at 6 degrees Leo and in exact Square aspect to the Sun and still square Mercury by an orb of 4 degrees, illustrates a real drama where passions could clash. With Aquarius on the House Cusp of Leo, we get an illustration of what is the Dispositing House cusp for Mars. I mention it because Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius are positioned in the 5th. You may be now be beginning to see the repeat patterns - what Astrologers look for. I interpret this as a clash between the general populace - Aquarius - and the money power elites, Sun in Scorpio in the 2nd House, the house of personal possessions, assets, holdings, land and wealth etcetera.
Finally, this last chart illustrates the chart for the date and time Saturn enters Libra in the Geo -Centric charts above but this time from the perspective of the Sun or Helio-Centric. Helio- Centric Astrology is still in its infancy although some great research has been done. The perspectives it offers may well be useful to the trained student of this system. it will not prove as personal or probably not as usefully insightful as the Geo centric charts above, yet some would look to it so i thought I would include and conclude with it. Close aspects are the main consideration of these charts. You will notice there is not Sun, as it is at the center. Neither is there a Moon which is absorbed by the Earth, due to the earth's distance from the Sun and the Size of the Moon to the Sun. So, the Earth takes on special significance in this chart and that is significant. Earth is the counter balancing principle. It will be seen to be at 6 Taurus 25 which is the exact opposition point of the Sun in the Geo Centric charts. You will also notice that Saturn is not even shown to be entering Libra yet. This could prove confusing to some but although the helio centric model depicts what is actually happening from a linear left brain factual logic perspective, it is not exactly what is happening from our experiential, right brain logic perspective. There is certainly a paradoxical riddle in this but remember where you are, exactly! On a final note, despite various shifts and apparent incongruencies, notice the still very close aligment between Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune.... This rare and powerful aspect is symbolic of a spiritual healing process (Jupiter and Neptune are the religious, mystical and spiritual planets and Chiron symbolizes the wounded healer.) This is very auspicious indeed. This alignment is current now and is also a core feature of the Saturn entering Libra chart which all these charts are meant to examine from various perspectives. Saturn will be in Libra for 3 years before int enters Scorpio in October 2012.... These truly are exciting times! This is a very promising alignment indeed.
This next chart is based on the actual planet in focus itself placed on the Rising Sign. Since it is Saturn entering Libra, Libra is the rising sign and each subsequent House is also at 0 degrees. The value of this perspective is that we gain another relational perspective, this time from the main focus planet, which is Saturn. Understanding any sign well and the respective chart dynamics based on the planetary positions for any given chart, is greatly enhanced by placing that sign on the Ascendant or Rising Sign position. Of particular note in this case is that all the planets save for Mars are below the horizon. Mars in Leo in the 11th serves as the handle of this bucket chart giving it additional weight beyond the fact that is is the planet of highest elevation. The handle could have been elsewhere. Mars in this position is like a movie star whose role is to be the rebellious hero. That it is at 6 degrees Leo and in exact Square aspect to the Sun and still square Mercury by an orb of 4 degrees, illustrates a real drama where passions could clash. With Aquarius on the House Cusp of Leo, we get an illustration of what is the Dispositing House cusp for Mars. I mention it because Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius are positioned in the 5th. You may be now be beginning to see the repeat patterns - what Astrologers look for. I interpret this as a clash between the general populace - Aquarius - and the money power elites, Sun in Scorpio in the 2nd House, the house of personal possessions, assets, holdings, land and wealth etcetera.
In order to heal our wounds as symbolized by Chiron in a chart, we must endeavor to heal the same in others. this is a call for humanity to awaken to the very real spiritual healing we must undergo if we are to prevail successfully through the 12/21/2012 turning point date. (more on that theme next month...)
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